* Not Quite The Real Thing
"This project came about as I was wondering to myself whether my work had a distinctive, recognisable style. I wasn’t sure of the answer to that - so threw the open call out into the world, to see what might come boomeranging back. Some of the submissions landed wide of the mark, but I think all of the selected works have embodied an essence at least, of my artistic output. I’m not sure if any of them actually look like my work, even with the faked signatures, but then, what does my work look like?
Over 70 artists answered the open call for Dry Humping, along with thoughtful academic contributions from Lucy Howarth, Camilla Ellingsen Webster and Matt Worley. An intriguing, provocative and humorous investigation into originality, personality and identity in contemporary art.
Dry Humping. 122 pages, 170 x 240mm. Perfect Bound